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Sandy Beach

thinkright hypnosis

Home: Welcome

Remembrance of our true nature opens the door to healing, and healing takes us closer to our true nature.



Understanding, healing and freeing our wounded selves from childhood imprints,

family lineage inheritance and past lives' unresolved traumas are key to recovering our true authentic selves.


"The way out is in!"

On the quest for Self, the truth of our identity isn't to be found anywhere else but simply within.


When we remember who we really are, as energy beings incarnated in physical human bodies, as eternal souls yearning for growth and expansion through the experience of the physical here on earth throughout our many lifetimes, we can rise above the seeming limitations of the human condition and unleash our true potential to live our divinity in our humanity.


Safely grounded in our physical body and the present moment, cultivating a strong sense of Self, we can connect with others and the world creating and manifesting from a place of wholeness and alignment with our natural selves.




Home: Quote
Perfect Waves

«Chaque fois que nous faisons face à notre peur, nous gagnons en force, en courage et en confiance dans l'action.»

Théodore Roosevelt

En savoir plus

Découvrez la puissance de l'hypnothérapie.
Réservez dès maintenant votre appel découverte gratuit de 20 minutes.

21 Colney Hatch Lane N10 1EJ
Angleterre, Royaume-Uni

Merci d'avoir soumis!

0044 7712144564

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